Have you ever caught yourself thinking back to happier times? Those moments in your life when you felt so much JOY?
Maybe it was a family vacation, when life flowed with ease and everyone felt connected.
Summers with friends, experiencing new adventures, and cracking jokes with each other along the way?
Did you love cooking with your mother, spending time with your dad? Your siblings? You pets?
How did that make you feel?
You may feel some resistance as you read this. You may think, “My body can’t do that anymore, my resources are limited, those people I love are no longer here.”
While this may be true, I don’t want you to get stuck on the “cant’s."
I want you to see that the essence of those rich, beautiful moments are still inside of you waiting to be enjoyed.
Memory works through association. You can reinvent those positive emotions by finding ways to trigger those memories now.
Recently I blew the dust off of my college diploma and placed it in my office where I could see it every day. Seeing it reminded me of one of the most meaningful moments of my life. It reminded me of the pride I felt as I walked across the stage and saw my 2 young sons beaming up at me. It reminded me that I could do hard things. It also reminded me that I am stronger and smarter than I think I am.
Many of my happiest moments were with my dad. He was a florist. Every time I run, I wear a flower in my hair. It reminds me that he is always with me and it never fails to make me smile.
What happy memories can you bring back to life?
Is there a special picture you can find that will make you smile the moment you see it?
A song that will remind you of your high school years?
A scent that will bring you back to a tropical island?
Don’t leave your precious happy memories in the past, never to be enjoyed again.
If they made you happy then, they will make you happy now...
~ Lisa